Based on my Keptn slack thread:

I am sharing this here with a paraphrase to the original thread and some extra info. This is so that:

  1. The entire thing is available publicly (Keptn slack needs signing up)
  2. (hopefully) Gives the original thread more context and structure with some follow up information


Keptn local development setup can be heavy if you don’t have a computer with good specifications. This can lead to bad development experience. The information about what a good dev machine should look like is mentioned in the Keptn in a Box tutorial

For most usecases we recommend 4 Cores, 16 Gigs of RAM and 20 Gigs of diskspace. Our tests on aws have shown that the minimum required for running Keptn-in-a-Box with the default installation bundle is a t2.medium (2 vCPU and 4 Gib of RAM) and 10 Gigabytes of disk space. Nevertheless this won’t leave much space for spinning other services or onboarding applications.

For the 😎 ultimate experience you could get a t2.2xlarge with 8 Cores, 32 Gigs of RAM and 20 Gigs of diskspace.

Please note that the above is not necessarily a tutorial for dev setup but more of a ‘if you want to run Keptn with Dynatrace’ tutorial but it kind of gives us an idea of how much resources we might need to run Keptn.

I tried running Keptn in my local k3d cluster but my Lenovo IdeaPad 510 couldn’t handle running a Keptn cluster, my IDE (VSCode) and a web browser (Firefox) at the same time. My laptop would just freeze. So, I started a thread on the Keptn slack to ask about what others were using for their dev setup.

Does anyone here run Kubernetes cluster in a cloud VM (GCP,AKS,AWS) VM for local development? What do you guys use for local development and how’s the experience (can you mention the RAM/CPU of your machine if possible)? I am looking for cheaper options to run a Kubernetes cluster for local development. My personal machine is old (~8GB RAM, extendable to 12GB max).

  1. Buy a new machine with more RAM (~16GB or more)
    pros: fast development (can use local docker registry), easy setup
    cons: non-scalable (unless I add new machines)
  2. Run a K8s cluster offered as a service by the above cloud providers (GKE, EKS)
    pros: quick, easy and scalable,
    cons: high operating cost, can’t use local registry
  3. Buy a CPU tower (i.e, a big fat desktop CPU) to setup a local K8s cluster
    pros: fast development, better performance (than laptop), low operating cost
    cons: high initial cost, setup, non-portable
  4. Try setting up a K8s cluster in a cloud VM (spot/preemptible instance to further reduce the cost)
    pros: cheaper (than K8s as service), scalable
    cons: security, setup, can’t use local registry

4 is the one I am leaning towards the most right now but I would like to hear what you folks are doing as well.

Summarizing the responses from the thread:

Check out part II of this blog post when it comes out. What’s included in part II:

  1. Considering each option listed above in more detail
  2. What I eventually ended up with Hopefully 1 and 2 can give you some idea about what you can do for your local Keptn dev setup.

P.S.: Read Part II here.