Velvet Motel is a song by Eiichi Ohtaki from his 1981 album A Long Vacation. The song is at No.2 on Side A of the album.

Note: A Long Vacation is one of my favorite Japanese Albums. I wanted to translate this for a long time but never really got around it until mid of last month when I finally decided to buckle up and start translating it right from the first song. While doing that, I came across several song translations posted as comments by a user called JustYumeChan on many of the songs. I have just copied the song translation they posted as a comment on this without any change. I just wanted to link the comment but since you can’t link to a Youtube comment, I had to copy the translation and post it here.

Green Light 仄かに
Tail Lamp 数える


Lay down お前を 口説く気さえ忘れて
Lonely night Lonely night
Lying 嘘でも いいから微笑んで…

Velvet Motel の
Blue Pool 小雨に


Lay down 今夜は ソファーで寝てあげるよ
Lonely night Lonely night
Lonely night Lonely night
Lonely night


Wet asphalt glitters in faint green light
You are counting tail lamps, your face is blank
Our eyes are empty, we feel sadness
A single landscape painting is leaned against the wall

I lay down, I forget about even wanting to make a pass at you
Lonely night, lonely night

We who once loved each other are now silent as stones
Lying, I smile because lies are also fine…

I passed through the courtyard of velvet motel
And then swam in the blue pool, being hit by light rain

Our eyes are empty, we feel sadness
It’s like a painting of a landscape without people

This night I’ll sleep on the sofa
Lonely night, lonely night
Lonely night, lonely night
Lonely night

Source: from this video by JustYumeChan