The title of the song translates to My Pinball Heart or My Heart is Pinball by Eiichi Ohtaki from his 1981 album A Long Vacation. The song is at No.5 on Side A of the album.

Note: A Long Vacation is one of my favorite Japanese Albums. I wanted to translate this for a long time but never really got around it until mid of last month when I finally decided to buckle up and start translating it right from the first song. While doing that, I came across several song translations posted as comments by a user called JustYumeChan on many of the songs. I have just copied the song translation they posted as a comment on this video without any change. I just wanted to link the comment but since you can’t link to a Youtube comment, I had to copy the translation and post it here.

観客は君だけ 相手はなしさ

それは恋の TILT はしゃぎすぎ

「今夜 髪を洗い忘れたから…」

それは恋の TILT 忘れても


それは恋の TILT ぷっつりと


I wrote love songs about shyness and such
And then played the tapes in a drafty room
And the audience was only you, nobody else
This is love’s TILT, I was overly excited
My dream didn’t come true
And my heart is crying with a clatter (?)
When I reached out to touch your light hair
You said “I forgot to wash my hair tonight…”
A cold refusal from your tender back
This is love’s TILT that I had forgotten
When I remembered it, I smiled bitterly
And my heart is crying with a clatter (?)
“Even if you don’t say that you like me
We can still understand each other’s feelings”
Since the time that I thought such things, I don’t open my heart to anyone
This is love’s TILT, it suddenly stopped
I started avoiding even meeting you
And my heart is crying with a clatter (?)

Source: from this video by JustYumeChan