「恋するカレン」 大滝詠一 (1981)
The title of the song is literally ‘Love Karen’. Karen in Love is my translation of the song i.e., I think this is the translation but I am not 100% sure. Oh Karen is just a title I thought would fit better because the title literally reads ‘Love Karen’ where Love
is an action as in Love you
but it is not clear who it is directed towards. I have posted a question around this on Japanese StackExchange. Let’s what we get there. I will refer it as Oh Karen from here onwards.
Oh Karenn is a song by Eiichi Ohtaki from his 1981 album A Long Vacation. The song is at No.8 on B Side of the album.
Note: A Long Vacation is one of my favorite Japanese Albums. I wanted to translate this for a long time but never really got around it until mid of last month when I finally decided to buckle up and start translating it right from the first song.
When candle lights are dimmed
and a slow song plays
I was watching you by the wall
Dancing with him your hand moving on his back
I wonder how many seconds it took me
To realize I might get turned down
Even when someone would come and talk to me
My eyes were in the sky above
Glued at you
Oh! KAREN 浜辺の濡れた砂の上で
Oh! KAREN the dream I saw of us embracing each other
on the wet sand on the beach seems so silly/laughable now
Oh KAREN 淋しい片想いだけが
Oh KAREN these sad one sided feelings
Torment my sad/lonely heart even now
If our eyes happen to meet accidently
You cover your eyes of painful color with your cheeks on his shoulders
You chose visible charm/attraction over the
Formless kindless (you couldn’t see)
OH! KAREN 誰より君を愛していた
OH! KAREN I used to love you more than anyone
心と知りながら 捨てる
But you cast it away even when you knew
OH! KAREN 振られたぼくより哀しい
OH! KAREN you are a sadder woman than
Me who was rejected by you