Title of the song translates to Give yourself to the flow of time by Teresa Teng from her 1986 album of the same name

Note: This post is a direct copy/paste from my old blog

Lyrics from a comment by pennyfish89 in on this video.

もしも あなたと逢えずにいたら
わたしは何を してたでしょうか
平凡だけど 誰かを愛し
普通の暮らし してたでしょうか
時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの色に 染められ

If I had not met you
I wonder what I would have been doing
Would I have fallen in love with someone
And lived a normal life?
Going along with the flow of time (i.e., as time passed)
(I became ) Dyed in your color
This one and the only life I have
I don’t mind throwing it away for you

※だから お願い そばに置いてね
いまは あなたしか 愛せない※

That’s why I plead you to always be on my side
I can’t love anyone but you now

もしも あなたに嫌われたなら
明日という日 失くしてしまうわ
約束なんか いらないけれど
想い出だけじゃ 生きてゆけない
時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの胸に より添い

If I am hated by you
There will be no more tomorrow for me
I don’t need things like promises
But I cannot live only on memories
Going along with the flow of time (i.e., as time passed)
I have become beautiful
Just by getting close to your heart
I don’t even need this life anymore

だから お願い そばに置いてね
いまは あなたしか 見えないの

That’s why I plead you to always be on my side
I can’t see anyone but you now

時の流れに 身をまかせ
あなたの色に 染められ

Going along with the flow of time (i.e., as time passed)
(I became ) Dyed in your color
This one and the only life I have
I don’t mind throwing it away for you


Note: If you find any mistake, please post a comment below. 間違いがあったら、是非コメントをしてください。ありがとうございました。