「時の流れに身を任せ」 テレサテン (1986) 2019-09-30 601 words 2 mins read Title of the song translates to ‘Give yourself to the flow of time’ by Teresa Teng from her 1986 album of the same name Read more...
「結婚しようよ」 吉田拓郎 (1972) 2019-09-06 421 words 1 min read Title of the song translates to ‘Let’s Marry’ by Takuro Yoshida from his 1972 single of the same name Read more...
「都会」 小貫妙子 (1977) 2019-09-06 315 words 1 min read Title of the song translates to ‘City’ by Taeko Ohnuki from her 1977 album Sunshower Read more...
「あなたのいない夜」 荒木一郎 (1974) 2017-06-14 525 words 2 mins read Title of the song translates to ‘Evening silence of your absence’ by Ichiro Araki from his 1974 album 蹉跌 (Setback) Read more...