Wipe the tears or Wipe your tears is a song by Tessei Miyoshi from his 1982 single of the same name.

Note: I had originally posted the song lyrics on this video under the username @vadasambar. This is a copy/paste of the comment there.

あの日 夢をさがして
オレたち 愛を 捨てたふたりさ
二度と めぐり逢うとは
思わなかった この街角で

That day,
We threw away our love,
For our dreams,
I never thought I would meet you again,
On this street corner

ぬれた まつ毛 ふきなよ
あれからつらい 暮しをしたね
やせた お前の肩を
この手に抱けば すべてがわかる
涙をふいて 抱きしめ合えたら
あの日のお前に 戻れるはずさ
涙をふいて ほほえみ合えたら
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで

Don’t wipe your wet eyelashes,
You had a tough life after that, didn’t you?
Just holding your thin shoulders in my hand,
Conveys everything
If you wipe your tears and embrace me,
You might return back to that day,
If you wipe your tears, embrace me and smile,
Together, we will find,
That distant happiness for sure

泣いて 涙涸れても
心に愛は 消せやしないさ
今日からお前 離しはしない
涙をふいて 抱きしめ合えたら
どこかで明日が 待ってるはずさ
涙をふいて 歩いて行けたら
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで

Even if I run out of tears,
I won’t ever erase my love for you,
A life lost wandering aimlessly,
You won’t talk about it from today,
If you wipe your tears and embrace me,
There will be some future waiting for us,
If you wipe your tears and walk with me,
That distant happiness,
We can find it,
Together for sure

涙をふいて だきしめ合えたら
あの日の二人に 戻れるはずさ
涙をふいて ほほえみ合えたら
遠い倖せ きっとふたりで

If you wipe your tears and embrace me,
We just might return to those old days,
If you wipe your tears and smile,
We will find that distant happiness for sure